Don and Carolyn’s affiliation with WSU is decades old. Carolyn received a BA in Education in 1960. Don received a BS in Animal Sciences in 1958 and a Masters degree in 1960. After getting a doctorate in Nutritional Biochemistry (a program in the Animal Sciences Department) from the University of Illinois Don did research at Oregon State University studying fish nutrition and liver cancer in rainbow trout. In 1976 Don returned to WSU as Assistant Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. In 1984 he was appointed Team Leader of a USAID contract WSU had to improve agricultural production in Lesotho, a small country in Africa. He finished his foreign assignment in 1986 and was appointed Chairman of the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department. Don retired from that position in 1996.
Award Requirements
The principal of this Fund shall be used for graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Food Sciences. First preference of the use of funds shall be to support graduate students. Funds can be used for research supplies, training, travel to professional conferences, and other expenses in support of graduate student research.